Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ashton's New Skateboard

Ashton decided he wanted a new skateboard for his birthday. Yesterday we went to the local skate shop where Ashton painstakingly picked out his new skateboard, piece by piece. After completing his masterpiece he invited a friend over and they broke it in. When I say "broke it in," that is exactly what I mean. Less than three hours after he got his new $170.00 skateboard, it was no more. I'm just thankful he didn't get hurt. We have agreed to split the cost of replacing the broken parts.



Bummer Ashton! You must be quiet the skateboarder to have broke it... especially with in three hours of getting it. So glad you didn't break anything!

So Chrissy I tagged you, would love for you to play if you feel like it. It is kinda fun to see what you write. Read my post to play.

Teri said...

Holy crap... That sucks! I feel so bad for him.

Joseph and Jenny said...

That photo says it all. What a shame! I'm sure there's a great story behind how it broke.