Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 3 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

3 joys: My awesome and loving family, my job, reading my families blogs.

3 fears: Loosing a loved one, making a mistake as a mom, unintentionally hurting someones feelings when I have PMS.

3 goals: get out of debt, finish the basement, get to know Thomas' family better

3 current obsessions/ collections: Getting out of debt, establishing routine visitation with my step-children, Hello Kitty

3 random surprising facts about myself: I only had two months of sixth grade. I can roll my tongue under. I watched my high school graduation from the audience, and missed my nursing graduation completely.

3 people I tag: Rich, Jenny, Teri

1 comment:


My girls can't see anything Hello Kitty without thinking of you, "Mom, we should buy this for Aunt Chrissy!"
You are such a fun Aunt! I love you sis, thanks for playing tag!